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About Foundation BrainAid



The aim of the Hilmar Bading Stiftung/Foundation BrainAid is to promote discoveries and inventions in the neurosciences. With the guiding principle:

‘Supporting Revelation and Invention in the Neurosciences’

the foundation is aimed in particular at young scientists. The purpose of the foundation is realised through various measures, including scientific prizes for outstanding dissertations and master's theses in the neurosciences and support for the organisation and implementation of conferences, workshops and symposia, which serve the exchange and further training of young scientists in the neurosciences.



Spendenkonto / Donation account:

Foundation BrainAid
VR-Bank Rhein-Neckar eG
IBAN: DE40 6709 0000 0014 3288 90


The Stiftung/Foundation BrainAid is a non-profitable trust foundation (Treuhandstiftung) registered with the Heidelberg tax authority (tax number 32489/31934).

Professor Dr. Hilmar Bading is founder and chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

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